Friday, July 09, 2004

Klevington Harley Davidson Man

Harley Davidson Man: "Friday afternoon this young man was seated on his bike at the Tisdale 7-11, a minor part, a foot peg, had come off his bike and he was waiting while his 'buddy' was off getting the necessary repairs for them to continue their journey. I checked out his bike and he told me he was from Kelvington and agreed to have me take his picture. I told him about my friend Mike who had just purchased his new Harley and the adventures he is experiencing.

Last Friday Mike finished up classes in Kamloops and put on his leather and headed out to the coast. He took in the Simon and Bobby Dylan concert at GM place and below is his account of his return trip home.
Saturday afternoon I decided to head back. I stopped for gas in Chiliwack and this guy came up to me and said, 'It looks like a bunch of your buddies are having quite the time in Spences Bridge.'

At first I didn't get the connection but then I remembered seeing many Harley's on the road on Friday, and of course all Harley riders are 'buddies'. Since this was on the way home anyway I thought I would look for the gathering. Sure enough at the 'Log Cabin Pub' in Spences Bridge, there were about 50 bikes parked outside so I decided to venture in. It was great!!

More leather and camaraderie then any normal person could stand, but since I pretty well looked identical to them, unshaven face, graying hair and leather from head to toe, I fit in real well. I had supper, caught some of the hockey game, and enjoyed the company of some soul mates.

A couple came out as I was leaving to check out 'my ride'. Got lots of nice compliments as mine is really one of a kind for this area even though it is still very stock.

Michael Townsend. "

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