Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Promoting the Lifestyle through Multi-Media

Attention Photo Hogs;
HarleyDavidsonMan has been using different camera's for several years now and we wish to present our up to date analysis of the current state of camera's "not" to buy and the o­ne's we recommend!!! HarleyDavidsonMan uses a camera mount o­n the bike so these units are somewhat exposed to the elements, when it rains they are removed to a protected location. They have been from coast to coast whichin lies the problem, salt air and humid conditions.Firstly, JVC camcorders.... These are junk!!!!! We have a cabinet with six of these units from 1996 - current that are useless.

The most recent model was purchased with extended warranty but as the excuse that all the manufactures use is that the insides are corroded which they say is because they were exposed to a liquid. This $1400 unit is now in the JVC junk pile with a month of use along with the others. The JVC camcoders have our worst photo hog rating. The current favorite used by HarleyDavidsonMan are the Panasonic line of camcorders which are more compact and seem a lot more durable gets our highest camcoder photo hog rating.Digital camera's .... lots of choices in todays market place. Compact units are the most popular with high resulutions and movie features. Sony's in there early days were the excellent but with the cheaper shells and mass production have become disposable due to there low durability, high repair costs and lack of warrantee service. We o­nce had a old sony DCS-P1 that was lost at Stugis (left o­n a snowblower for a year)exposed to the elements, then lost in Mexico with 10 million people and returned o­nly to be recently retired due to an unfixable problem they related to corrosion. The new lines of sony's aren't fotunate enough to tell many tales. They get our lowest photo hog rating along with all the crap that has 3x zoom.

Olympus 700 series digitals are the HarleyDavidsonMan choice these days as they are still compact, have excellent zoom and picture quality, plus they are durable and they fix them when they do break. Olypmus gets our HarleyDavidsonMan highest photo hot rating with the Dimage series running a close second but not as compact for the saddle bag.Super- high quality digital camera's HarleyDavidsonMan recommends the Canon EOS series which has super high resolution pictures and funtions with the ability to change lens for any setting. So far the two we have in our photo hog gear that haven't required any servicing. For a complete view of how picture quality has changes check out the older image gallery photo's compared to new o­nes at .

Have fun with your new digital camera and make sure you send us your pictures from your travels for all to enjoy.